About us

To give hands-on support for the enterprises, promote start-ups and provide professional advice for setting up new business sites, the District and the municipalities amalgamated in it founded the non-profit association for the promotion of business, the Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Südwestpfalz (WFG), in 1995.

The shared goal: creation of a living space for innovation, offering enterprises and residents optimal development possibilities.

Furthermore, WFG makes a joint commitment together with enterprises, the member municipalities of the association, the District of South-West Palatinate, and the City of Zweibrücken in the business site initiative SüdWestPfalz (South-West Palatinate). One of its aims is to strengthen the region’s competitiveness for the long term.

The stakeholders in WFG are the District of South-West Palatinate, the 7 member municipalities (Dahner Felsenland, Hauenstein, Pirmasens-Land, Rodalben, Thaleischweiler-Wallhalben, Waldfischbach-Burgalben, Zweibrücken-Land), the savings bank Sparkasse Südwestpfalz, the cooperative banks VR-Bank Südwestpfalz eG Pirmasens-Zweibrücken, VR Bank Südliche Weinstraße – Wasgau eG and Volksbank Kaiserslautern eG.

The business management is headed by Ms Miriam Heinrich, MBA.


Miriam Heinrich
Miriam Heinrich

Business Manager
MBA (University of Applied Sciences)

Phone: +49 6331 809-139
Fax: +49 6331 809-493
Email: m.heinrich@wfg-suedwestpfalz.de


Martina Seegmueller
Martina Seegmüller

Secretarial office

Phone: +49 6331 809-139
Fax: +49 6331 809-493
Email: m.seegmueller@wfg-suedwestpfalz.de

Kathrin Reimann

Project staff

Phone: +49 6331 809-492
Fax: +49 6331 809-493
Email: k.reimann@wfg-suedwestpfalz.de

Vivian Weyrich
Vivian Weyrich

Public Relations

Phone: +49 6331 809-491
Fax: +49 6331 809-493
Email: v.weyrich@wfg-suedwestpfalz.de



Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Südwestpfalz mbH
Unterer Sommerwaldweg 40 – 42
66953 Pirmasens